Saturday, August 18, 2012

We're going to...

... Savannah!  I am so excited!  This has been on my "to-do" list before we leave South Carolina.  Not knowing if we are going to get picked up in October, I want to make sure to check this off my list.  Since Elijah has to take leave or lose it, we're going in September before I head north to Virginia for three weeks.  Super stoked!

Now that I know we are going, I am getting a list together of things to see/do/eat before we head down there to have a loose plan.  Know anything to check out?  Please send me a message!  I am open to ideas.

Right now on our list:

Places to eat:
The Pirate House
Lady and Sons (Paula Deen's place)

Places to go:
Children's Museum
Forsyth Park
Railroad Museum
Tybee Island

Still researching other places.

So excited :)

It's going to be our first family vacation -- just the four of us -- ever.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Our current dilemma

In a nutshell, South Carolina vs. Virginia...

See, Elijah is up for new orders, and he has already received them... the Ford, which is currently in the shipyard in Virginia... back home!  My parents... my sisters... our family... our friends... my career.  HOWEVER, he is currently awaiting to see if he is selected for the officer program.  If he is selected, then we will be staying here in South Carolina... in our house... with our friends. He will attend the Citadel, and he will go to school for three years.  Afterwards, he would be commissioned as an officer in the US Navy.

So... we are waiting for October.  If he doesn't get it, then we are in Virginia by January.  Three short months to get the house ready to either rent or sell (yet ANOTHER decision we have to make) and move.  Thankfully, we know people in Virginia ;)

So there are so many pros and cons to either, and I am so torn.  For my husband's career, staying here is the best.  We don't have to move.  The boys know this house.  We have friends, they have friends.  Elijah has friends already in the program.  Hopefully the house market turns around when we do need to move... and by his officer status, we can go more places... including those over seas.

Moving to Virginia... my family is there.  The boys will have their grandparents and aunts and cousins and extended family that loves them.  I can work part time on a more regular basis.  We already know what preschool Goober would go to (my church's).  My job would help pay off some of our debt quicker and my working wouldn't take the boys away from their daddy.

UGH.  I hate this.  There is absolutely nothing we can do but WAIT.

I hate this!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August Update

So August is in full swing.  Crazy that we are rapidly approaching mid - month!  So much has been going on here...

We have again "sleep trained" Goober.  That took a couple of days, but thankfully, so far, he is back on schedule.  He slept regressed in June/July, and it was not getting better.  He would have to be coaxed to sleep, would through a fit, and it wasn't fun when it was just me to do bedtime duty with him and his brother.  So what did we do?  Nothing fancy... one of us read his books in bed with him, then said prayers, and then did nighttime kisses.  Walked out of the room.  He threw a fit; at five minutes, the person who did the reading would go back in, put him back to bed, and then walk out again.  At ten minutes, at fifteen minutes... we never made it to twenty.  He finally went back to his bed, covered up, and went to sleep.  The next day, didn't make it to the ten minute mark.  Next day, didn't make it to the five minute mark.  Then... he didn't get out of bed!  My husband did the first couple of days; I did it and he regressed, but then, the second night, he got up, checked the door (we lock it at first, and then when we go to bed, we unlock it), went back to bed. :) It has been good going so... let's hope it continues.

We have been working on projects from Pinterest.  Do you know Pinterest?  If you don't, check it out!  It is an online bulletin board.  My husband and I have been posting all sorts of things - recipes, home projects, crafts - and we finally have been working on some them.  Trying new recipes are great, and we haven't found a dud yet.  Check out Pinterest!

Peanut has been on the MOVE.  Rolling over and over, moving forward/backward, and he is getting up on ALL FOURS!  I can't believe he is trying to already crawl!  Teething is in full force, but still no teeth.  He loves his jumping bouncy play gym thing (I have no idea what they are called), his daddy, his BROTHER, and of course, his mommy (just because I got the milk!).

(I'm watching "Coming Home" on Lifetime, and I am bawling when the kids see their daddy/mommy after a deployment... reminds me of my homecomings with my dad and just makes me wonder about the future homecomings of my husband and boys.)

All right... I'm going to sign off.  Tomorrow I will write about the current dilemma the husband and I are in...