Sunday, October 2, 2011

Letter to Goober (20 months)

Hi Goober,

It's Mama, your one and only!   You just went to bed, still suffering from a cold, which you so nicely shared with Daddy and me.  Hopefully tonight you sleep the rest of it off, otherwise, off to the doctor you go tomorrow if I can get you an appointment.  Just want to make sure my baby is okay!

Except... you are not much of a baby anymore.  Nearing 20 months, you are into everything, running everywhere, and want to know what "tat" is for everything.  You definitely know what you want now, and getting so much clearer in vocalizing your wishes.  Especially when it comes to "Dinosaur Train" -- choo choo you say to the television, or you bring us the remote.  We don't allow you to watch much television, but we succumb to the "Dinosaur Train."

Your favorite show, "Dinosaur Train"

Your vocabulary is starting to expand dramatically.  You have been signing for months now - I think you started "more" when you were nine months? - and you still use it everyday.  We are trying to add new words to your sign language vocabulary (we are working on "fish" and "bird" at the moment) so you can keep this skill for your future.  Your verbal words are expanding as well; "ball," "cheese," "please," "truck," "Oma," "Opa," and "choo choo" (for train or "Dinosaur Train") are words that are *almost* clear.  Everyday you surprise us when we ask you to repeat and you do sometimes!

For recognition, you can most animals - elephant, giraffe, alligator, lizard, zebra, bird, dog, cat, sheep, monkey, horse - and you know most of what they say.  Daddy has done real well working on this with you, and Mommy tries to have you practice during the day.  I think in the near future we might try to add color recognition.  You also know "hair," "eyes," "nose," and most of the time, you get "mouth" and "ear."  You are an intelligent little boy who loves to learn.

Some other things you love to do... you love to bring Mommy books for me to read to you... you love to snuggle with Daddy on the couch when he watches his cartoons or plays his video games... you are feeding yourself so well, most of the time, Daddy and I don't have to help you at all... you love to jump!... you have absolutely no fear... you love going to the Little Gym where you love to swing from the bar... you are starting to put your dishes in the sink and trash in the trash can... you love to "ride" Bacardi Razz or hold his tail as he tries to run away... you are a heartbreaker and love to give kisses to little girls... you love to color and fingerpaint... you are so interested in the kitchen and always want to watch or help... you love your Lego Duplos... love dinosaurs, planes, trucks, and buses and will point each one out when we drive past or see one overhead... you love your Oma and Opa, almost as much as you love Isabelle and Jackie ;) ...

Graduation Day from Bugs Class, June 2011

My baby is growing up so quickly.  Please don't outgrow kisses, hugs, and snuggles, because these small gestures remind me daily that what I do counts, and that you love me for just being your mommy.  They are the best rewards, and you give them so easily now... I know in the future kissing your mother will be the farthest thing from your mind, but right now, as my little boy, you give them so freely.  I love you little man, you are the best thing to have happened to your Daddy and me... you made us parents.

I love being your Mommy,


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